As teaching professionals and ambassadors to the game, please be aware of golf etiquette. Each course may have its own special rules, but practicing the following customs should help you set an example. • Please be aware of other golfers outside your group. It’s easy to get so involved in your game or your teaching that you forget others on the course. That loud cheer when your client sinks a long putt may disturb somebody teeing off an adjacent hole. • Please replace all divots. The next time you find your ball in a rough spot on the fairway, remember that you might have had a better lie if someone else had followed that advice. Don’t be afraid to replace divots other than your own, as well. • Please don’t loiter. On the fairway, it speeds things up if everyone walks directly to his or her own ball instead of gathering around to watch someone else shoot. Think ahead about club selection. On the green, avoid congregating to mark your scores. Everyone should move off quickly following the final putt. Do your bookkeeping at the next tee. • When playing a shot from a fairway other than the hole being played, the right of way belongs to the persons on the correct fairway. • Players should not drive a ball from the tee or any position in the fairway until the group ahead is well out of reach – regardless of how many shots they’ve taken. • Golfers who are spending too much time looking for a lost ball (five minutes is considered appropriate) or lagging too far behind the group ahead must let faster groups play through. • Please avoid practicing on the golf course. This includes taking an excessive number of swings on the tee or elsewhere. • Set an example by taking care of the greens. They’re expensive to build and maintain and if everyone helps, it contributes to a smother, truer putting surface for all players. Repair your ball marks, avoid stepping too close to the cup, lay the flag down gently –preferably off the green – don’t leave cleat marks by dragging your feet, and although it should go without saying, keep carts off. • Groups on the course should consist of no more than four golfers. • Play the holes in order. • On the golf course, avoid giving advice unless asked. Even when asked, keep it short. • If your ball goes into the water, avoid wasting time searching and don’t try to compensate for the loss by trying to find another ball. • Be able to identify your ball at all times. • Act as a professional at all times, especially if you are not playing well. • Keep your movements – and noises – to a minimum when another golfer is preparing to swing. • “Fore” is the universal warning on the golf course whenever someone is in danger of being stuck by a ball. Please use it, and use it the moment you think your ball might endanger another person. • Set an example by not littering. • Keep motorized carts at least 40 yards from all greens. • Smooth sand in bunkers with rake.
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200 S. Indian River Drive, Suite #206, Fort Pierce, FL 34950
772-88-USGTF or 772-595-6490 -