Certified Professional Golf Coach – Online Course

There has always seemed to be some confusion in the difference between a Golf Teacher and a Golf Coach. As such, former-USGTF President Geoff Bryant asked our technical committee to clearly define the function of both roles.

So here is their answer!

A golf teacher helps recreational golfers, and a golf coach helps those who compete at the game. Are there similarities? Yes! Both are great ambassadors to the game of golf. Both need to play golf at a high level themselves. Mainly, the golf coach also must be well versed in subjects like fitness and nutrition, golf psychology, mental toughness and confidence. It’s the level and element of competition that separates them.

For more information or to register for the Golf Coach online course, please click here.

Certified Golf Club Manager – Online Course

Golf Management can prove to be a very rewarding career. In the United States alone, there are 17,000 golf courses, and with golf becoming more of a global game, many certified golf club managers are finding employment outside of the United States as well. Additionally, current golf club managers are purchasing our material to refresh their knowledge on various subjects.

This online  course — created by golf club managers who specialize in all subjects — trains and certifies golf club managers by offering instructional videos on every aspect of the profession. This commonsense approach to learning is popular because so many of our participants already have a wealth of knowledge from other areas of life and business. These individuals do not require lengthy college courses or apprenticeship programs that generally last for years.

For more information or to register for the Golf Club Manager online course, please click here.