Australia’s Brendan Jones captured the 102nd playing of the New Zealand Open, held March 2-5 at Millbrook Resort and The Hills in Queensland, New Zealand, firing a four-round total of -18 to defeat four golfers by three strokes. Jones shot a third-round 62 to surge into the lead, and his 66 the final day was more than adequate for the victory.
Most of New Zealand’s and Australia’s best golfers competed, along with top professionals from Asia. According to the tournament’s website, “Speaking after the event, tournament chairman John Hart said that having the tournament back is a great thing for not only all New Zealand sporting fans, but also for the tourism and hospitality sectors in Queenstown. ‘We are delighted to have been able to return after a few years away. It’s been a tough few years, but we are very happy to be back and delighted with how the tournament week unfolded. The support we have received from not only our fantastic family of sponsors but the tournaments partners, players and volunteers has been heart-warming for everyone involved,’ said Hart.”
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